Python Class Documentation & Reference ======== This section provides a breakdown of the Python classes and what each of their functions provide. Below is a diagram that provides insights on the relationship between Kompute objects and Vulkan SDK resources, which primarily encompass ownership of either CPU and/or GPU memory. Manager ------- The Kompute Manager provides a high level interface to simplify interaction with underlying :class:`kp.Sequence` of Operations. .. autoclass:: kp.Manager :members: Sequence ------- The Kompute Sequence consists of batches of Kompute Operations, which are executed on a respective GPU queue. The execution of sequences can be synchronous or asynchronous, and it can be coordinated through its respective vk::Fence. .. autoclass:: kp.Sequence :members: Tensor ------- The Kompute Tensor is the atomic unit in Kompute, and it is used primarily for handling Host and GPU Device data. .. autoclass:: kp.Tensor :members: TensorType ------- .. automodule:: kp :members: