Kompute Game Engine Integration (Godot)

This repository contains the accompanying code for the Blog post “Supercharging Game Development with GPU Accelerated Machine Learning”.

This example folder contains three key components:

You can also find the simpler Godot Summator example implemented in the GPU in this example folder.

Godot Engine Integration: Godot Engine Source Module

This is the accompanying code for the Blog post “Supercharging Game Development with GPU Accelerated Machine Learning”.

This section contains the implementation of the Kompute module as a statically compile module built with the Godot engine source code. This approach requires re-compiling the Godot engine source code.

Set Up Dependencies


You will need the Vulkan SDK, in this case we use version, which you can get at the official site https://vulkan.lunarg.com/sdk/home#windows

This will have the following contents that will be required later on:

  • The VulkanSDK static library vulkan-1

  • The Vulkan headers in the include/ folder


We will be using v0.3.1 of Kompute, and similar to above we will need the built static library, but in this case we will build it.

We can start by cloning the repository on the v0.3.1 branch:

git clone --branch v0.3.1 https://github.com/KomputeProject/kompute/

You will be able to use cmake to generate the build files for your platform.

cmake kompute/. -Bkompute/build

You need to make sure that the build is configured with the same flags required for godot, for example, in windows you will need:

  • Release build

  • Configuration type: static library

  • Runtime lib: Multi-threaded / multi-threaded debug

Now you should see the library built under build/src/Release

Building Godot

Now to build godot you will need to set up a couple of things for the Scons file to work - namely setting up the following:

  • Copy the vulkan-1 library from your vulkan sdk folder to lib/vulkan-1.lib

  • Copy the kompute.lib library from the Kompute build to lib/kompute.lib

  • Copy the include/vulkan/ folder to the ./include/ folder

  • Copy the single_include/kompute/ to the ./include/ folder

  • Make sure the versions above match as we provide the headers in the include folder - if you used different versions make sure these match as well

Clone godot repository

Now we can clone the godot repository - it must be on a separate repository, so you can use the parent directory if you are on the Kompute repo.

cd ../../godot_engine

git clone --branch 3.2.3-stable https://github.com/godotengine/godot

cd godot/

And now we can build against our module

wscons -j16 custom_modules=../../custom_module/ platform=windows target=release_debug

Once we have built it we can now run the generated godot engine in the bin/ folder, and we will be able to access the custom module from anywhere in the project, as well as creating new nodes from the user interface.

Godot Engine Integration: GdNative Library

This is the accompanying code for the Blog post “Supercharging Game Development with GPU Accelerated Machine Learning”.

This section contains the implementation of the Kompute module as a shared GdNative Library that can be loaded dynamically through the Godot engine. This approach does not require re-compiling the Godot engine source code.

Set Up Dependencies

We can get all the required dependencies from godot by running

git clone --branch 3.2 https://github.com/godotengine/godot-cpp

cd godot-cpp

Then we can get all the subomdules

git submodule sync

and we build the bindings

scons -j16 platform=linuxbsd target=debug